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Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Okay it is soooo getting down to the wire with the wedding. Less than two weeks and I still have so much to do. I still have to find shoes, go in for another fitting, get my make-up trial over with this Saturday This Friday go to the court house. Make 20 Pomander paper tissue balls for the church, go get laser hair removal, shave my legs at some point! (not to mention under arms). Buy more candy containers, buy lifts for the candy containers, go to ikea and make center pieces, finish unpacking the entire house BEFORE Curtis's mom gets here next Wednesday, figure out how to do Curtis's hair for the wedding. Make sure Dwayne will actually BE at the wedding and at the court house when the time comes. Go through a rehearsal at church this Sunday, with George being there and hopefully he will not embarrass the crap out of us. I still need to get freaking jewelry too.

Oh and gee what else, oh yeah continue working 40 hours a week, get on Curtis's ass to fix my mom's computer because god only knows he doesn't have a million things to do too. Oh and not to mention he needs to practice our vows in Hungarian because I can just see it now my mom busting out in laughter when he says something that is nothing more than gibberish... oh yeah speaking of vows I should finish those at some point! My veil is practically freaking beige instead of ivory so I might be forced to use this other ugly one I have and I don't have time (or money) to order another one off line right now. 

I just have so much going on I just want to stick my head in the sand. I wish I had friends or my mom to help me with this but my mom won't even get out of the house for herself let alone me. I can't take the supplies over to her place because all of the pomanders (if she would even agree to help me) would end up smelling like cigarettes. 

I want to go home and cry but I don't have time for that in 15 minutes I have to put on my especially happy face and get everything ready for yet another (we have like 4 every month) birthday celebration. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

All Moved In and 20 Days Until the Wedding

We are finally moved into our new apartment and away from our room mate. The latter of the two I  am actually happier about. The moving day was kind of nuts and as I expected a lot of people bailed out on us at the last minute but luckily we had a guy from my work volunteer to help and things went pretty smoothly. The new apartment has an elevator so taking things up wasn't nearly as hard taking things down the stairs at the old place. After we packed the two bedroom full of our crap (and believe me we have plenty of it) we went to bed and slept like logs. 

The next morning involved some donuts and then back to the old apartment to clean it up so we aren't charged. The cleaning took like 6 hours. And because I am ridiculously meticulous I scrubbed just about everything down. Curtis did a lot of trash runs and vacuumed the entire place among other things. After it was all said and done we still forgot to give them the gym key AND we ended up leaving a chocolate bar and gummie bears in one of the cabinets. Its my own fault for not doing a walk through of the whole place and checking all the cabinets. 

The new apartment is not what I expected it to be. I don't think anyone cleaned it and there were things that were obviously not painted and tended to. Plus apparently someone on our floor has a dog and lets them urinate in the hallway so I bet you can imagine the lovely smells that were happening. 

I only have another 20 days left until the wedding. I still need to go in tomorrow to try on my dress again and pray that it fits the way its supposed to. I haven't lost any weight recently, though I haven't gained back what I lost, and no matter how much I keep telling myself I will start going to the gym I keep just not doing, my excuse is still life is getting in the way. I am almost certain I will have fat arms in my dress which means I will have to be very careful about how I pose in the pictures so I can try and hide it. 

I still need shoes, centerpieces and I need to figure out if I can make the puff balls for the pews or should I try to learn how to make bows instead. I also wanted some disposable cameras but I'm not sure how well that will work out, financially speaking. 

Curtis is back in school and work are all swinging along. One of his co-workers just got a promotion to assistant manager and while that guy has been there for 5 years (which in and of itself is sad) Curtis is the one getting all the numbers and wasn't even told he could interview for the position. No one was told. The one guy just got the spot. Its been making me so mad I want to punch the guy in the face even though I guess its not his fault. I think people at Curtis' work are lying to him. I feel like they just keep stringing him along and no one cares that he is amazing at what he does, he is trying to start a family, he is in school to better himself (which is more than what I can say for Joe the other guy seeing as he lives at home with mommy and daddy and has no aspirations what-so-ever) and it seems like they don;t care about any of that. He goes in when you call him even though he wasn't scheduled he is a team player so WTF?!?!? I think its time for them to pay their damn dues. I feel so bad because I know its not his fault and he feels like crap because he keeps thinking he is doing something wrong. 

I've in general had it with that job. I can't wait for him to graduate so he can get a full time well paying job and give them the big F U. Oh and surprise all of a sudden the store drops dramatically in sales... hmmm I wonder what the x factor there would be. fuckers. In the mean time we both just have to suck it up for the next couple of months. Who knows maybe another position will open up... and MAYBE he will actually FREAKING GET IT THIS TIME. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Stuff going on.

I'm not really sure what to even post about. I have complaints, but they are the same things I have been complaining about lately. We got the invitations, there was a mistake on them they sent new ones and they arrived yesterday. I have officially given out 4 invitations, probably only two people will actually show up for the wedding out of those four. Two were for my bosses and two were for co-workers. The bosses I imagine will not show up but hopefully they will get me something nice from my gift registry. And that sentence right there makes me feel kind of bad. 

I didn't invite everyone from work, nor can I afford to and I have three bosses all together but one of them (who was not invited) I just really don't want there to be a chance that he is actually at my wedding. The problem here comes in that I don't want it getting around the office I invited some people but not all people. I just mainly don't want to deal with any repercussions that might occur. 

I got my mom a doctor's appointment with my psychiatrist. I hope she will actually go. She needs to get back on welbutrin for her depression and hopefully it will kick in in time for the wedding. Her and George living together right now is not the greatest thing in the world either. 

We are only a week and a half away from moving into our new place. We originally went with a floor plan that had the two rooms next to each other but then when we saw the apartment we were actually going to rent out I was very unimpressed. Luckily there was another floor plan (which was also slightly bigger) that was available so we decided to go with that one. The only bad thing really is that the sun sets on that side of the building so its probably going to warm up in the afternoon big time. Curtis is right when he says its like our first place together. Even though we have lived together for a year now with no room mate involved this time we get to enjoy ourselves being together and more importantly, ALONE together. Its safe to say that I will actually have the house to myself a couple hours out of the week and I cannot wait!

Work has been as hum-drum as ever... 

We found out a couple of days ago that we will have to pay for Curtis' mom's airplane ticket it we want to see her at the wedding... yeay.... So that is another $300 on top of the already mounting bills for the wedding that are coming in. 

hmmm... what else... I hate packing... and my weight has been stuck. 

OH! The dress. So my mom bought me a dress from China which looked great in the picture but when it arrived it looked NOTHING like what we ordered. We are talking sequence instead of beading  and the lace was not on symmetrically and a bunch of other just cheap looking crap. Well this left me more the just a little frustrated... (I was FUMING!) I grabbed the second dress I bought that is a size 10 called David's Bridal and asked if I could come in to see if they could adjust the dress and put a corset on the back etc. They said they have time right the and there and I rushed over. After I get there and they start pulling out the dress from the box they are like oh where did you get it, and I told them online, you mean david's bridal online? NO its not a david's bridal dress.... oh if its not we can't do anything with it... WTF?!?! could you have not told me this BEFORE I cam all the way over here? So I start looking up seamstresses on my phone and I find one and she is available (its around 6pm on a weekday and since I live in Florida everything is freaking closing) so we go in and she sees the dress and she said she will try I come back a week later and it looks like that WILL be my dress. I couldn't be happier to be honest because if I was a size 10 and got that dress I would have worn it in an instant. It is now there and they are making a bunch of adjustments to it and putting a corset on the back. It shows a little more cleavage then I would like it to but oh well! Sacrifices have to be made.