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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Goodbye 10 Pounds I Hope to Never See You Again!

WOOT I have officially lost just over 10 pounds! A big thanks goes out to my soon to be hubby who has sacrificed his pizza and ice cream cravings so I will stick to my diet and keeping me strong when I want to down a dozen cookies. Also thank you Charlie my room mate for making me go on walks after work even though I really don't want to. And lastly a thank you to my co-worker Kate who will now be my travel buddy on Mondays (Hopefully). Oh and really I guess there is one more thank you, I thank myself for keeping on this diet for once and doing a good job of it and even though I end up eating something I shouldn't I don't completely fall to pieces I pick my butt up and try again the next day. 

I am still 12 pounds away from my first goal and I hope to reach (maybe even surpass that) by the day of my wedding October 10, 2011. 

Oh and in case anyone who reads this doesn't think losing 10 pounds is a big deal, go to the supermarket and pick up a 10 pound bag of dog food and start carrying it around with you while you shop, NEVER letting go of it. 

And for the other of you who might be wondering what this diet is, its VERY simple. I eat foods that have a 2/1 ratio between protein and carbs. I try to make sure its 2/1 every meal but if not I try and make it like that by the end of the day. So basically if there are 6 grams of carbs in what you are eating there should be 12 grams of protein. What do I normally eat? Greek yogurt (check the nutrition facts though some are not as healthy as you might think) 2% milk, low fat string cheese, the little tuna in a can with crackers snack, chicken breast, sea food, sushi (sashimi style) miso soup, and well there are a lot of things out there. Most fruits have too many carbs and no protein along with most veggies (exceptions are zucchini, and asparagus to name two). BUT the best part of this diet!!! You get a day off every week! I usually take either Saturday or Sunday and on those days I get to eat whatever I want. (Usually sweets). Now I do gain back like a pound or two after that day but it comes off again throughout the week. 

Hopefully this well help someone. I don't work out much (I am VERY bad about doing so) but I have started walking around the neighborhood and trying to find friends to hang out with. 

So YEAY 10 pounds and hopefully soon YEAY 22 pounds!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! Congrat's!
    I don't know any woman who does not think a 10 lb weight loss is significant.
    I totally would LOVE to be down 10 lbs!!
    Keep up the good work.
