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Thursday, August 25, 2011


*clears throat*


So that is one less thing to worry about for the wedding! Now the problem we have run into however is that the pastor is not sure he will be able to make it on that Monday. Slight problem right... well we have two back up Hungarian pastors so it shouldn't be too big of a deal but the guy just seems so unsure of himself right now that its bugging the crap out of me. This Sunday I have to go to Church alone because Curtis has work and this should be the weekend that we decide who our pastor will be and I have made up my mind that even though he is unsure of himself the guy that is there every Sunday will be our pastor. 

In other good news we found a place to live! well move to or whatever  you want to call it. I am sooo excited. We went to go look at the place on Monday afternoon and judging by the outside of the building you would NEVER guess how nice it is on the inside! (see pictures below). I absolutely CANNOT wait to move (23 days and counting) now we don't definitely have the place just yet, we gave them our application and the money for the application and we should hear back in a week (which by the way is a SUPER long time!). But I don't see why we wouldn't get the apartment. Curtis and I both have great rental histories and no crimes of any sort in our past. My mom liked the place so much she said she would even co-sign if she had to. 

Dieting has not been going to well I am at a stand still with my weight which is mainly my own fault because I keep eating junk when I am not supposed to. The wedding dress will be here supposedly on the first and the invitations should be on their way pretty soon as well. Everything is coming together nicely. We had to use some of the wedding money for our soon to be move but those funds will be added back into the account when Curtis gets his school loans. It makes me very nervous because I haven't touched that money for anything other than to pay for wedding stuff. 

And now the pictures of what will soon (hopefully) will be our new place:

1 comment:

  1. You're right - it is a lovely place. Fingers crossed that all goes well and you will get the place. (I think you will!)
