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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I'm in Deep Doo Doo

I am in deep trouble at work! I am also freaking out about it but only on the inside because really no one around me should know just how badly I'm freaked right now. I found out this morning that due to my own laziness (basically I didn't look at the right stuff in one of the online folders) that when the guy that comes to shred our files shred one that I was supposed to keep! I was actually almost two files but my co-worker put it aside for whatever reason. 

Now the person that asked us to save the files was in fact told to call/email my other co-worker (same as above) before 3pm Thursday and she send the email just before 3pm on Friday (when my co-worker was not in that day). So she ended up emailing me and my boss and CCing my co-worker. I don't know what came over me to not ask questions and to not look harder for those files but now I am so freaked out that I am going to get fired because of this! I mean I know everyone makes mistakes (and I hope they will consider that if me getting canned gets brought up), and I could go on the defense and say that the lady that asked me to take care of the files didn't follow directions, but I don't want to blame anyone. 

When I asked my co-worker if I should email the lady who put in the request she just said no and when I asked her what the next step was, she just said I haven't decided yet I have moved on to something else (moved on to working on something else). 

God I hope they don't fire me over this!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to read this, Rita.
    I pray God's peace will cover you, regardless of the outcome...I would think she would have already fired you if that were to be the case. I sure hope you can keep your job.
