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Monday, June 13, 2011

Stressed - Wedding & Work

This past week I have been beyond stressed out over the wedding. The time is really starting to count down now and I have yet to make a single decision as far as the wedding is concerned. Oh well except for the date but if I keep making decisions as slowly as I have been that's going to have to change too. 
The biggest issue I am running into is that for the life of me I cannot decide on a dress and I don't really have anyone to go dress shopping with me so I am at it alone and just send pictures to friends and ask them which the like better and in the end its like well they kind of look alike or I like this about this dress and I like that about that dress. Which in the end is very little help. The other problem I have been running into is the size. I am a 16 dress size in the the chest and a 14 in the waist. So no matter what I will have to make alterations to the dress and after I look at the pictures of myself in the dress all I can think of is that I look like a fat cow. Oh and by the way my diet... yeah stopped doing that like last week. We had free cold stone creamery ice cream day at work. They literally had the company bring in the slab they roll the ice cream on and cater to everyone in the office. I will however start my diet back up again after my vacation this month on the 24th.... my sweet sweet vacation oh how I long for you... 
We went to a tasting this weekend and I wasn't really impressed with the main courses. The appetizers the salad the side dishes were all wonderful but the two main courses were just sub par. Oh and I did make another decision I guess which is that I will have black table clothes and light yellow linens. You would think it looks like a bumble bee but it really doesn't. Now I just need to convince the guy to include the chair covers in the package deal he quoted me. In the end I don't think we have much of a choice in the venue so downtown st. pete is gonna be it. I just have to finalize the plans with the guy and hand over a butt ton of money. 
And now here comes the stress about work... 
My main job is fine same boring thing every day and I am still always scared they are going to fire me for no apparent reason (mainly due to a bad experience at a prior job). BUT the sushi job is a complete freaking mess. Curtis is no longer going to be the sushi chef because he supposedly can't remember the rolls. What we really think is going on is that their son Shawn just moved out and his only source of income is working at the sushi restuarant and we are pretty sure that his parents are paying all his bills in return for him working at the restuarant. So they are making him the dish washer which means I am out of a job. Which means that is one less source of income. I told Curtis to tell his main job he will now be available Fridays and Saturdays and if they schedule him I will work at the restuarant and on the days he has off he can work there. 
I am unfortunately getting to the point where I just no longer want to work there period but we have not bought everything for the wedding yet and we are still not at our goal of $4,000. ($3,000 of which is going for food cake a venue and linens). So realistically we are going to need more money than $4,000. 
So yeah, lots and LOTS of stress over all these things.

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