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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Interview is Over Now We Sit and Wait

So the interview is now over, as of this morning. Now all I can do is sit and wait by the phone. The overall interview went well I think I said all the right things smiled at the right times and I do think I would fit in well there. The lady said she has some more interviewees lined up and she has to do a background check so as long as they don't find anyone better for the position I think I have a good chance. The only thing I am really worried about is them calling my current job and my current job finding out I am looking at a job that will require me to be up for 24 hours. I just hope they will understand and realize I want to be with their company too. The only thing I really answered no to for them was being able to work during the day short notice.

The position itself seems like its going to be somewhat challenging even though they said the quietest time is at night. I will be there at night all by myself but the other women will be on call 24 hours. I have a strong feeling that if I do get the job the people there will try and pull a fast one on me especially as the new girl but I am SOOOO ready for that challenge.

I SUPER hope I get this job!

1 comment:

  1. HI Rita - I wanted to email you but can't see anywhere to do that. You should set up your profile so that people can respond to your comments via email!

    I wanted to thank you for your comment on my post today. I have thought about Autism but it's a whisper in the back of my head that I don't want to say out loud. But now you've made me, haven't you? Darn it. ;-)

    I hope you get the job!!!
