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Friday, April 8, 2011

No Good News to Report

This has been a stressful week. Not so much in the work load but the lack there of. Curtis got only 8 hours of work this week from gamestop one day of which he called in but then was given another 4 hour shift for Saturday thank goodness. I think the have to at least give him 8 hours though otherwise they won't be able to take the health insurance out of his pay check. And really an 8 hour week will pay just that... his health insurance. Gas is going up like crazy which is nothing new but definitely not helpful right now. We had to dish out another $100 to fix the oil leaks on Curtis' car and I just keep thinking that if I just get rid of my car and buy a junker I could save myself a 300 a month payment. But then again how much am I going to have to pay on the new car if it breaks down and will I even have any money to fix said problems. 
The head sushi chef's son doesn't appear to be going to the Navy any time soon like he said he would so Curtis won't be getting those hours and I guess Curtis misunderstood and he is still not going to be getting tips this week. *sigh*
I'm trying to stay positive and encourage him and tell him everything is going to be okay but if he doesn't get his ass up soon and realize hey your old company is dicking you over so maybe you should look for another job so we are not in the poor house and I won't have to get a third job just so we have food on the table I don't know what I am going to do. I keep sending him possible job opportunities but then I have to remind him at least twice before he applies to the freaking job. I don't think he gets that with craigslist its a first come first serve basis. 
Ugh. I know in his heart he is doing what he thinks is right and he likes working there and wants to be there for this company but I am starting to get anxious again and with the amount of meds I am on that shouldn't really be happening. 
On top of all that I have to write that stupid paper on Thailand and turn in a bunch more writing for the sociology class all by the 22nd of this month. ... I REALLY don't feel like doing this. But I don't really have a choice in the matter.

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