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Friday, March 11, 2011


Yesterday I got a really nice compliment from one of my bosses, technically he is my boss's boss. He said "Hi, Rita. I heard you are a powerpoint goddess. True?" This not only made me blush but in all it felt great hearing it. I had just finished up a project for another of my bosses (I have many people above me) that involved making the pictures of graphs on a powerpoint into actual graphs he could manipulate. I had to do some handy work in microsoft paint as well but it all came out great.

I have dish washing duties tonight at the restuarant. There is one part of the road that I have to cross right when I get out of work that makes me ALWAYS feel like I am going to get into an accident and there is no way for me to go around that part of the road without being late to the second job. Its just nerve racking. Thank god I only have to do it once a week. I don't know how commuters manage doing every day.

It doesn't look like the room mate is going to have his friends move in with him after all. He now no longer wants to be with his girlfriend but also does not want to break up with said girlfriend because of the physical part of their relationship. Which means Curtis and I are stuck with him and his smell (cigarettes) till the first of October. I just really hope there are going to be some good (and cheap) houses on the market when the time does come. I don't know what the room mate is going to end up doing about moving but frankly I am not sure I care a whole lot either. We all need to live our own lives.

Curtis finally got some decent hours at his first job I think partially because one of the guys quit (we think it might be because of stealing). But of course it the week that he has an exam in his worst subject: bio. So hopefully with much studying and reading this test will go more smoothly then the last one, which apparently everyone did terribly on.

Speaking of homework. I need to start writing that 2500 word paper on Thailand prostitution, no I am not joking its for a sociology class I am not taking, also not joking. I need to get more sources for the paper and then I think I can go ahead and start writing it. Its not due till the end of next month but still I want to try and not wait till the last minute.

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