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Friday, March 4, 2011

Sleepiness and Boredom

I am sooooooo bored at work! I really need to find something to distract my mind with but with being on the meds concentrating on just about anything is nearly impossible. I just realized this morning as I got to work that oh hey I was supposed to pay the rent... UGH! I called Curtis up like 3 times trying to get a hold of him but of course his phone was on vibrate in his pocket. He took a check over there for us and luckily they were nice enough to not charge us anything extra (this one time).

This is SO unlike me. If there is anything I am good about its paying the bills on time.

I just want to sleep!!!! I mean seriously, just sleep and sleep and sleep. I have been getting a normal 7-8 hours a night so its not like I am missing out but all my body seems to want to do is nap. The only other time I felt like this was when I was actually depressed. But my mood is okay, I still have ups and downs which are normal but the physical feeling is BLAH!

I am of course washing dishes again tonight, and might I add I REALLY don't want to. Its only 7.50 an hour which is basically an extra $30 I know its something and I know I should be grateful that we have this extra bit of income I can make but MAN feeling this tired is not motivating me to just get up put on a happy face and deal with it. Again, I just want to sleep. Like, a LOT. I'm pretty sure I could just crawl under my desk right now and have no problem falling right to sleep.

I can't wait till my next appointment with the psychiatrist I am half hoping she gives me aderall of just something to give me a boost or jolt or something. The anxiety is going away for the most part but this sleepiness is almost intolerable.

Tonight I bump up my meds to 20mg, we'll see if it makes a difference or not, I am just hoping it doesn't make me even more sleepy then I already am because I am just going to have to stop taking the drugs altogether if that happens. 

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