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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Weekend Update

Well my second day as a waitress and getting full tips did not turn out nearly as well as I would have hoped. The restuarant wasn't as busy on Friday (when I was waitresssing) or Saturday (When I was washing dishes). I got just slightly more than half of what I took home Thursday. Then Saturday we ended up being so dead that they sent me home early. It was really a blessing in disguise because it meant I could relax and get all fancied up for when we all went out after work to Ocean Blue. 
That Saturday I also ended up going to Sakura's Birthday party. Sakura is 2 years old and the grandaughter of the two owners of the sushi restuarant I work in along with the daughter of Joe another waiter guy who I work with (and can't really stand). I felt pretty awkward being there and I didn't stay long because I was meeting Curtis for lunch as usual. I also saw one of the guys from High School there that hung out with the group of guys my boyfriend at the time hung out with. He got fatter, I  was amused but I also didn't feel all that great about myself because I am still not the size I want to be. Then again, I am also not doing jack crap about my current weight so I need to shut up or get my butt rolling. 
Later that night when we all went to Ocean Blue Grant who I haven't seen in 8+ years came by. Now he has never been very social so he literally drove from Tampa to Clearwater to smoke two cigs outside while we chatted and just left. He didn't come in to say hi to anyone and he didn't want a drink. I thought it was nice of him to drive out all that way but at the same time if you haven't seen me that long do you think you could at least stick around for a while? Oh well he is moving back down here to Florida so I guess I'll have other opportunities to see him. 
Sunday was my first full day off in three weeks. I relished in it by pretty much not doing anything other then my nails. (no those are not my tooties in the picture) I painted them a light pink with red polk-a-dots so it looks like I have chicken pox on my toes. 
Monday I took the day off from work from job one and job two is closed on Mondays so I was going to take that time to write my paper on Prostitution in Thailand but I got all of about 5 sentences out of me. I spent the better part of the day just napping and byt the end of it I felt kinda blah because I never left the house that day and all around got absolutely nothing done. I did however managed to paint the nails on my hands. I found this incredibly annoying neon pink nail polish and basically gave myself a french manicure but instead of painting the tips of my nails white I painted them pink. They need another clear coat cause they got messed up while I was sleeping and I know the minute I jump in the shower they are just going to peel off but it was nice feeling girly for once. Its been forever since I did my own nails. Part of the reason I don't do them much is because I am ridiculously meticulous and at the same time the nail polish always ends up too thick on my nails so I have to start all over again.
I am now back at the grind again but this week and the following weeks are not going to be nearly as bad. I only waitress Thursday and this Saturday and after this week only on Thursdays. I will still be washing dishes on Fridays and Saturdays and I will be on call when they need me but its going to feel nice to start getting into a routine again, who knows maybe I can finally start putting a workout into this routine and stick to it.

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