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Friday, March 25, 2011


Yesterday was my first official day of waitressing and getting my full 40% of tips for the night (while training I was only getting 10%) and talk about a difference! I mean WOW! So we had 4 guys from the New Jersey Nets come in and order a TON of sushi (they were big guys though so thats to be expected) well they also graciously left a HUGE tip! I was ecstatic. Not to mention I have never been that close to a real athlete before. I was pouring it on a little thick but I guess it worked. They ended up tipping me and the sushi bar. We later that night had three Hungarian girls come in with their two guys friends. They are the dentist to Mike so they got a free meal but they too left a great tip. Plus it was really good to chat with them. I kind of got in trouble at the end of the night because I kind of got in trouble at the end of the night because of it but I still say it was worth it. The only thing that's really been a problem for me at the restaurant is that I HATE, and I don't use that word lightly, HATE vacuuming.

For some reason I am always stuck between the two of us, being the one that vacuums. I mean the area to vacuum isn't even all that large or anything its just that I freaking hate vacuuming. All things considered though I guess its not that bad. And again the tips were freaking amazing last night. I am actually getting off of job one early so I can help out more today since we are expecting to be even more busy then we were yesterday. In total I walked out last night with $98 in cash in my purse. I am hoping I walk out with just as much tonight if not more. Granted I will only be waitressing one day a week on average unless someone calls in sick or needs a day off but still that's an extra $100 bucks in my pocket if the day is good on top of my minimum wage salary AND all pretty much tax free. ^-^ That actaully ends up coming out to more then I am making right now at job 1 which is a little scary. Though with benefits and days off job one wins hands down.

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