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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Smoking Rant

Okay so this is going to be quite the rant but I need it out of my system. 
We have a lady at work lets just call her Mrs. S and good god does she stink! I mean everyone is required to smoke outside of our office building (10 feet away though no one really follows that rule) so you would think that her clothes would air out and there might be a light wiff if you get too close. NO! the minute this lady walk on the elevator the entire elevator stinks even after she gets off. Whenever she approaches me I shudder knowing the stench is about to reach me. And then she is there and she literally smells like the bottom of an ash tray. Now I grew up in a house with my mom smoking everyday IN the house so I know part of me should be used to this but after moving out of my mom's place I guess I have just gotten used to the smell of fresh clean non smoke cigarette ash filled air. The thing that really kills me though is that she is not the only one in our office that smokes we have another lady Mrs. D who goes down 2-3 times a day to have a cig and when she comes back up she smells just fine, I mean I would have to get VERY close to her just right after she got back from smoking to notice anything. So this makes me wonder what kind of ever loving cigarettes is this lady smoking that is making her stink up the whole office. She has her own room in the office and the room even smells. The smell of smoke just attaches to everything and its terrible. I have to stop myself from gagging and still try to keep a cordial smile on my face while she is talking to me. Hard to do when at the same time I am trying to hold my breath.

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