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Friday, May 6, 2011

Bathroom Etiquette

Okay so this just popped into my head the other day. Are there some people out there that just don't understand bathroom etiquette? I was at a hockey game earlier this year and had to use the little girls room. So after finding it (it was on the floor below where I was) I picked a corner stall. All of the other stalls were empty except for one all the way down the other end. And there were a HUGE amount of stalls in this bathroom. So I am sighing in relief when someone walks in and picks the stall right next to mine! I could understand if there were only like three stalls in the bathroom but this place had an entire wall full, why oh why do you have to pick the one next to me? I am a nervous pee-er as it is (not a fan of going in public) so this only hightened my already existing stage fright.
To me it seems that if you have a row of stall open it is only the polite thing to do to leave at least one open stall between you and the other person.

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