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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Update - Job

Well as you can tell from above, I did not get the job. It has been over two weeks now since the interview and even though I sent them a thank you letter and a follow-up email about the position still being open I never heard a word back. Makes me kinda sad.

Curtis also interviewed for an Assistant Manager position at his job and didn't get it. Though after the fact we found out its for the best because the guy that would have ended up being his manager turned out to be a jerk. Curtis took on more hours at a different store location even though he has finals this week as a favor and then the guy just started being an ass by leaving early leaving his sick Assistant Manager there and then when he got a text saying 250 items were missing he called Curtis and told him he was going to come over there with the cops to look at the video (which I personally took as a threat to Curtis). Come to find out the 250 peices were missing from another store entirely. Ugh! What a guy... so glad Curtis is not going to end up working for him. Plus we would have ended up moving up to the New Port Richey and while the rent is much cheaper up there, there is NOTHING to do up there.

Hopefully another position will open up soon for him and they will pick him for it. God only knows the man has worked hard and long enough to deserve it.

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