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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Update - Graduation

Super over-exposed picture of Angie and I.

So what was supposed to be a sort of 3 day weekend vacation for me didn't turn out like I had hoped. Poor Angie's flight was delayed BIG time and she didn't arrive at the airport till 6am. She did get to meet Curtis for a brief minute while his car was in park in front of the airport gates. Her mom came and ended up hugging me before Angie which was kind of funny actually. We put all of our stuff in her trunk and off we went for a 4-5 hour car ride up to Tallahassee.

With random pit stops, me attempting to read and driving part of the way we made it in time to pick up Angie's cap and gown along with the tickets to the graduation. I love FSU their campus is so pretty with its old architecture. All the buildings end up looking like castles. Almost all the buildings are made out of brick.

That night Angie, her older brother John, John's girl friend Jasper, Angie's dad and I all went out to a wine bar and listened to music that was too loud while drinking WAY too much wine. We ended up following Angie's dad home in the car just to make sure he got home okay. At one point he stopped at McDonalds and I got out of the back seat snuck up to his car while he was picking up his order and asked him how many weight wachers points that was since he was on a diet. Angie's dad finally made it back to the hotel safe and we were on our way home as well.

We didn't get to sleep in much Angie's mom was up at like 5am or 6am and we were up an hour later getting ready. The shower after Angie got out kept going from hot to cold back and forth which at like 7am my body is not ready to deal with. I was doing a little dance in the shower trying to get out of the way of the water when it was cold while I had one foot up on the wall trying to shave my legs. I finally said forget it and just shaved my legs tot he point where the skirt hem stops and hoped it wouldn't be a very windy day.

We got to campus early but it was still packed from morning ceremony. We got a good parking spot and Angie, John and I went and toured the campus. We didn't get a chance to go into the buildings like when Angie and I toured the campus like 2-3 years ago. I guess they decided to lock the doors now.

I almost knocked some old lady out while we were walking into the building because she put her hand on my shoulder and started pushing me. Of course I didn't actually do it but I did end up yelling at her. Me + lack of sleep does not equal a happy camper. Not to mention I don't really like being touched let alone pushed by someone I don't even know. While they were calling names I was half falling asleep in the bleachers.

When they finally called Angie's name we hoot and hollard and let the world know how proud of her we were.

Oh I almost forgot! I ended up getting her an opal bracelet which she loved, yeay! and she even wore it to her graduation, SUPER yeay!

Right after graduation we went to eat where angie's mom almost got us into a car accident and after that we drove another 4-5 hours back to Clearwater to drop me off.

And that was my 3 day vacation at FSU, it flew by like it didn't even happen.

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